Digimon Adventure & Adventure tri

Another golden oldie, Digimon Adventure was released in 1999. Seven kids attending a Summer Camp are transported to the Digital World, where they each meet and befriend creatures known as Digimon (short for Digital Monsters). They receive digital devices (Digivices) which they use to help their Digimon friends evolve into stronger forms when they are in combat.

Tai explains what happened and who everyone is in the first episode, leaving no time to waste in setting the scene and progressing with the story as the group bond with their Digimon and each other whilst finding a way home and saving the Digital World.

Even now, I'm sure you'll agree with me that this is a very unique anime, as technology and fantasy are combined to give you a new world where creatures can evolve through devices, kind of like what you get with Tamagotchi when they were released years later. Pokemon brought something different too, with the only similarity with Digimon being that the main characters befriend creatures who fight and evolve. But still, it's nice to relive your childhood once in a while.

Digimon is probably the only anime I know where the main characters actually grow up (Ash from Pokemon only seems to have an outfit and voice change), which is a nice touch because fans feel like they are growing up with them. You can see how different they look in Digimon Adventure 02 (takes place 3 years after Digimon Adventure) when they meet the new characters featuring in that, and in the recently announced Digimon Adventure tri. Just look at how much they've changed! I think Tai, Mimi, Sora, Matt and Izzy are at University, and Joe is probably working now(?), whilst T.K is at college and Kari is at high school. These are just guesses because Adventure tri is set 6 years after Digimon Adventure, but still, they're coming back in November! Extra info I have found on this is that it is part of a six-part theatrical film series, with the first film titled Reunion.
