Final Fantasy XV - Brotherhood: The Warmth of Light (Episode 5)

Action-packed finale!

Square may have released another episode to make up for the delayed release of FFXV since Bittersweet Memories (Episode 4) had end credits and I assumed that to be the final episode. This one has been confirmed as the final episode, and who cares about an extra episode as compensation? It's totally worth watching.

For the finale of Brotherhood, we get a mixture of past and present once again, with brilliant action sequences in both flashback and present scenes. We see the present events unfolding as Noctis and Co are battling Empire soldiers flown to their location to stop them, with an unexpected addition that seems to be someone (more like something) Noctis encountered when he was younger.

If you haven't yet seen the episode, this is my attempt to describe the demon to you. It kind of reminded me of Shiva (a common summon in Final Fantasy for those of you who aren't familiar with the series) with added snake tail and human arms, but with Ifrit's (I think) rage. And a lot of weapons at hand (more like six hands am I right? XP (excuse my attempts at jokes)). Anyway, moving on.

So Noctis encountered this demon when he was younger, and seeing it again brought up some bad memories and anger. It ambushed him and his escort on their journey, pretty much KO'ing young Noctis and killing the rest of them, until a younger and much stronger King Regis makes his debut in the episode and is able to badly wound the demon, saving Noctis and his (King Regis') escort. Of course this would result in bad blood, so I don't blame Noctis for acting as he does when the demon is captured by the Empire and used to stop the four of them. But when you have friends and guardians like Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus, you can't not have them assist and contribute to the action!

Sadly you don't get to see much of that until near the end of the episode after seeing King Regis' Warp-Strike, which is awesome by the way. And that's not all! We also get to see Noctis using his Warp-Strike with such skill and bad-assery, and with a side of snake jokes. Oh and a brief emotional scene with Noctis which was added in at the right moment. This was delivered so well it made me smile and more impatient to play FFXV! Roll on November already!

This is definitely it. Brotherhood ends with The Warmth of Light, which was definitely a good finale. It brought back the action and camaraderie we have seen and love in the FFXV trailers and in previous episodes, and just hypes up the game even more in my opinion. Highly recommend this to everyone and anyone, and it has good replay value. They're short episodes with so much depth in story and action, so why not guys? Go for it. And Noctis, you definitely deserve that nap in the end!
